Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thankful - Holidays.....and Coupon Code for Etsy

I am thankful for holidays. They are a helpful push to get my family together.  Sometimes, it is just difficult to get us all together but holidays usually make that possible.  We will actually be getting together twice in one week - a few days before Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day. I am looking forward to seeing my brother and my nephews and niece, my dad and step-mom and as a surprise to my family, my aunt from Connecticut is coming to visit! But, ssshhhh, don't tell! lol  I haven't seen my aunt in a very long time. This will be her first visit to my house and to meet my boy and for my boy to meet his great aunt. So, yay for holidays!

If you visit my Etsy shop between now and December 10th, you can save 20%, with a minimum purchase of $40.00 and using the coupon code 20APC. Place your orders soon, the gift giving season is upon us!

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